Marshall High School, Classes of 1928-1933, Sept. 13. EdithMayer, (708) 675-1854.
U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps, Sept. 17-20. DavidMcCarthy, (708) 492-9816.
St. Luke's School/River Forest, Class of 1942, Sept. 19. PatHuebner, (708) 848-9008.
St. Albert the Great Grammar School, Class of 1982, Sept. 25.Becky Coleman, (312) 946-2071.
Harrison Tech. High School, Class of January, 1942, Sept. 26.Melba Pett, (708) 863-6532.
Proviso East High School, Class of 1947, Sept. 26. Les Schmidt,(708) 837-4304.
Tennyson Grade School, all classes, Sept. 26. Gloria Teague,(708) 345-9491.
Loretto (Englewood) High School, Class of 1942, Sept. 27.Lorraine Stuebner, (708) 422-8220.
Precious Blood Church and School, all former parishioners andalumni, Sept. 27. Lucy Cencig, (708) 991-9592.
St. Adalbert Grammar School, Class of 1957, Sept. 27. CarolOnyszko, (312) 767-1746.
St. Michael's High School for Girls, Class of 1957, Sept. 27.Pat Reichart, (312) 282-2400.
Dunbar Vocational High School, Classes of 1942-1992, Sept.28-Oct. 3. Dorothy Gibson, (312) 471-2143.
Calumet High School, Classes of 1933-1935, Sept. 30. EmilieHerter, (708) 423-4520.
Lyons Township High School, Class of 1953, Oct. 1-2. (800)677-7800.
Hinsdale Township High School, Class of 1962, Oct. 2-3. BillKrumb, (708) 654-0646.
Dunbar Trade School, Classes of 1951, Oct. 2-4. Pauline Whyte,(312) 783-7685.
New Trier High School, Class of 1947, Oct. 2-4. Pat Dancey,(708) 446-7099.
St. Thomas Apostle, Unity Catholic and Visitation High Schools,Classes of 1978-1982, Oct. 3. Deborah Shegog, (312) 375-6218.
Bloom Township High School, Class of 1982, Oct. 3. (800)677-7800.
Bremen High School, Class of 1972, Oct. 3. Loretta Kreis, (708)389-9661.
Deerfield High School, Class of 1972, Oct. 3. (708) 789-6666.
Nathaniel Hawthorne School (North Side), all classes through1967, Oct. 3. Vivian Levin, (312) 561-5754.
Fenton High School, Class of 1982, Oct. 3. (800) 677-7800.
To get your reunion notice printed, send the name of yourschool, class year, date of the reunion and your name and telephonenumber to: Reunion Roundup, Bill Cunniff, Chicago Sun-Times, 401 N.Wabash, Chicago 60611. Local reunions only. Send the information atleast six weeks before the event.
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